News Post


Greetings Guardians! We wanted to share the Q&A based on the fourth quarter's community survey performed in the KR servers. Please note that the contents and discussion points below may be rescheduled or updated with future announcements.

[General Gameplay]

  • Are there plans for additional optimization to take place for the intermittent lags?
    • We are always doing our best to provide the most optimized game to our Guardians. In particular, we are currently focusing on optimization and resolving the disconnects that are occurring during repetitive gameplay of certain content. However, we cannot lock down on a fixed date at this time. We will announce once we have the fix completed with a future announcement.
  • Could you let us know why typical playtime per stage in the main story is elongated, and if there are update plans for Side Stories and Nightmare mode?
    • All story-related content is being developed to provide the most enjoyable content that you can enjoy at the most adequate speed. It may appear that there seems to be an increase in stage progress time but this is due to new heroes being introduced or to build up the narrative. Depending on how the story will progress, the stage progress time can always change.
    • However, we are also aware that it may be difficult to complete a very long stage at once, and for this reason, we are also preparing a new feature to allow saving events and activity that occurs during a stage's progress. We hope this will help you to continue to be immersed in the gameplay. 
  • Are there plans for more Rare heroes to be introduced?
    • Unlike initial plans and as the direction of the storyline has changed to some extent, we have canceled on introducing certain heroes. Even if we may have prepared an illustration for these characters, we do not have plans to introduce them as Rare heroes. However, we are planning on releasing some heroes that play a major part and blend naturally into the storyline.
  • Are there plans to provide more usage for non-mainstream heroes and apply additional balance patches for them?
    • Revising and providing more usage for the heroes that do not play major roles in game contents are always a high priority for us.  We performed damage reduction node revisions back in the third quarter, and we performed balance and code revision work for the fourth quarter. Through such balancing work, revisions for heroes like Future Knight, Beth, and Parvarti were done, and we found from data that these heroes were being put into more use in various game contents.
    • We are currently planning on more damage reduction node balancing work, and additional balancing work on heroes like Lupina and Lahn is expected. Once we have this confirmed, we will share details with the future announcement.
  • Are there plans to improve upon the heroes' AI? 
    • Back on December 13th maintenance (global), Miss Chrome's AI revision was made. 
    • It may be hard to bring revisions for other heroes' AI quickly, but we are always considering how to make this better and when to apply such changes. 
    • Revision work planned ahead is for MK.99 where we will fix the issue where switching between Beam Cannon (Mode 2) to Beam Magnum (Mode) would not work intermittently for MK.99's AI when an enemy was near.
    • In addition, we are planning to provide additional fixes on issues such as where some of the heroes' AI cannot avoid the wide-range attack range of the bosses. We will notify you with an additional announcement.
  • Will improvements on the fatigue that builds from running low-level rounds in Guild Raid come?
    • With June 28, 2022 (global) maintenance, we introduced the Guild Raid Carry Over system. Due to this, we resolved the instances where you had to battle with Guild Bosses that had very little HP left, and we made the lower-level rounds to be completed faster than before. If we remove the lower-level rounds entirely, it will discourage participation of new Guardians who may not have as high specs just yet, and also not be able to claim additional rewards. As more issues can occur, we do not want to remove it completely, but we will continue to monitor and see what would be the most effective way to improve upon this.
  • Will changes to the attack pattern in Guild Raids and Boss Rush come?
    • There are plans to improve upon the behavioral patterns of Minotaur, Fairy, and other certain bosses where luck can change the course of battle. We will announce the details with a future notice once confirmed.
  • Are there plans to perform an overall update on the Boss Rush content?
    • Thank you first of all for your interest and questions regarding Boss Rush content. We agree that you may feel the fatigue from the difficulty and method of gameplay during Boss Rush, especially for those who have been enjoying the previous Guild Raids. 
    • Currently, we are preparing improvements to reduce fatigue and provide a somewhat different experience from Guild Raids. 
    • First of all, we will be removing the limit placed upon the Challenge limit and retry limit, so that the limited tries do not cause stress for Season Achievements and ranking competitions.
    • Next, we plan to drastically alleviate the time attack duration to 3 minutes, so that there will be fewer situations where you can't attack the boss due to time constraints.
    • Through this, we anticipate a significant increase in completion strategies such as using the combination of tankers and supporters as the safe bet. We did consider removing the time limit completely, but we felt failing to complete a stage for a very long time could cause even more stress; thus the 3-minute time will be placed.
    • We expect the overall difficulty of Boss Raid will be alleviated and through this even more Guardians would obtain more rewards. 
    • In addition, we decided that it was necessary to make a clearer differentiation between the Boss Rush and the existing Guild Raids. Thus, we plan on adding new difficult elements such as lowering allied heroes in a party at max difficulty, fortifying the Guild Boss, and so on. Through this, we believe you will be able to enjoy a different type of ranking competition besides the rewards you will be obtaining. 
    • What was noted above is planned to release within the first quarter, and we will release confirmed details with future announcements.
  • Are there plans to adjust the difficulty of Season Achievements and increase the number of missions we can tackle?
    • Season Achievements are designed to challenge the highest-spec. Guardians to dig deeper into the game and reward them accordingly.  We have seen much feedback regarding the difficulty of the missions from many Guardians, and after much internal discussion, we have decided on the following:
    • We will be adjusting the difficulty up to the 4th tier so that more Guardians can tackle the challenges and claim rewards. However, for the 5th and the last tier, we will keep it the same so that only a few honorable Guardians who can overcome the true ordeal can obtain the final reward. Some of the content shared above will be applied to some extent with Season 2, but it will mainly be applied with Season 3.
    • Also, many Guardians have voiced their feedback on the number of missions offered. Mission List will be adjusted after analysis of gameplay data per season, internal difficulty testing, and feedback from the players. 
    • For the Season 2 mission list, we have added 2 more than the previous one, at 38 total as a result of this.
  • Will a 'replay' function be available for Seasonal Achievements? 
    • As Season Achievements missions that require repetitive play were added, some Guardians have inquired whether a 'replay' function will be available or not. For now, we are providing replay functions on Heavenhold Tower, Tower of Horizon, Mirror Rift, and Expedition.
    • However, we do not provide replay functions for certain contents such as Side Story Challenge mode and so on. We are planning to add a reply function to more content within the first quarter of 2023, and we will disclose the details in a future announcement.
  • Are there plans to have a resting period introduced between Season Achievements or to extend the Season Achievement periods?
    • Even after Season 1 ends and Season 2 starts right after, we thought you could choose when to tackle the missions since you could simply wait for all the missions to unlock first.
    • However, we did not consider that you could feel the pressure from rushing to complete missions only to be faced with even more difficult missions that only add to the stress.
    • In order to alleviate this, we are planning to add a resting period in between Season Achievements, and we will announce this with a future notice.
  • Are there plans to handle the intentional losing that occurs in Team Death Match Beta?
    • As we have shared in the development plans announced before, we are working on a report function to prevent foul and offensive gameplay. 
    • However, applying a report function too quickly can bring about other issues such as the function being abused to report normal players and causing unintended damages.
    • In order to prevent this from happening, we want to take our time reviewing the function and are planning to add this feature sometime in the first half of the year. We ask for your understanding on this.
  • Is the equalized spec. mode still being added to Arena and Friendly Match?
    • As announced in the 3Q Community Q&A of last year, we are still planning on an equalized spec mode where Equipment level, Awakening, Hero Evolution, and so on can be corrected. 
    • We plan on introducing this to Team Death Match Beta first within the first half of the year. 
    • In addition, custom rooms with such features available will be introduced to Friendly Match later on so that Guardians can enjoy 1-on-1 PvP content in equalized specs.
  • Are there plans to add more maps to Friendly Matches?
    • Currently, all maps are provided for Friendly Matches except for Guardian Tales Studio and Fight Club. The 2 that are not provided yet will be offered sequentially in upcoming maintenance.
  • Could you disclose how Relic drops work in Expedition?
    • The Relic drop in Expedition basically works based on getting better rewards when achieving higher scores in stages of higher difficulty. In particular, you can obtain better rewards when switching to a more difficult expedition region.
  • Are there plans to add preset count, convenience improvements, and adding presets to contents that do not support this yet?
    • With December 13, 2022 maintenance (for global), we have expanded the party preset slots to 30. In addition, we keep on working on more Quality-of-Life changes in our R&D efforts. We want to fix problematic issues to provide the most stable functions and the preset function will be added to Kama-ZONE within February (likely March for global). Details will be announced in a future notice.
  • What are the plans for the third slot of the Training Room opening?
    • With the addition of new Merch, the third slot of the Training Room, dedicated to Merch, will open up during the first half of the year. Details on this will be released in a future announcement.
  • Can there be a function added to claim all of the completed Merch that has finished crafting all at once?
    • We are planning to introduce the function to claim all completed Merch at once within the first half of the year. Once updated, we will notify you in an official announcement
  • Are there plans to develop a function to allow multiple Evolutions of Equipment at once? 
    • We are planning to introduce the function to allow multiple Evolutions of Equipment all at once within March (could be April for global). We will release details on this with the update announcement.
  • Are there plans to add a hero filter to Cards and other content?
    • Cards that give elemental attack boost (i.e. Fire Atk +7.0%) have been added, but there were no filters provided which could cause inconvenience. Also, there is no filter on the pop-up window that appears when changing heroes in content like Co-op so it may have been hard for you to select the hero of your choice.
    • First of all, the Card filter function is slated for the Feb. 7th maintenance (for global). The filter function on hero selection windows for certain contents will be introduced within the first half of the year.
  • Is it possible to add a function to check the results of recently summoned heroes and equipment?
    • We will plan on introducing the function to check your recent summon results within the first half of the year. Details and update schedule will be shared in a future announcement.
  • Are there plans to expand the number of Guild notices?
    • Additional Guild notices that can be registered and displayed will be developed and provided within the first half of the year.
  • Are there plans to allow Guild name changes?
    • We will add the Guild name change function within the first half of the year.
  • Can an auto-rotate function of the game screen be supported? 
    • We have confirmed that certain devices had the issue of auto-rotation of the screen happening even when they had the screen fixed in the device settings. Due to this, we realized a fix is needed since it was not possible for you to choose to rotate or fix your game screen, and this option was provided with December 13th, 2022 maintenance (for global).
  • Are there any issues with the defense reduction of the boss monster Arachne?
    • Many Guardians have questioned whether destroying 2 eggs at a certain point in the battle that greatly reduced Arachne's defense was working as intended. 
    • The simultaneous destruction of the 2 eggs was something we had blocked from allowing, but it became possible unintentionally due to the final stages of boss balancing while fixing up the stats.
    • After discussing this issue internally, we have decided to keep the spec. as is and allow the Guardians to keep to their newfound strategy of defeating Arachne by destroying both of its eggs at the same time.
    • We felt that having to enter the Arachne boss stage, first of all, would mean you have enough specs to be able to boss the monster. Also, blocking this strategy now would cause equality issues between those who have already completed the boss stage with those who have not tried the stage yet. Also, this issue could affect not only Expedition scores but also Season Achievement scores; so the spec will remain as is.
    • However, as this has been recognized as an acceptable strategy, we will fix the visual issue of debuff being displayed for only one of the eggs even when you destroy both as soon as possible.
  • Can the retry count be displayed on the pause screen of Conquest War?
    • With the May 17th maintenance (for global), it was revised that the daily retry count is displayed in boss battle-type nodes. For normal battle stages and boss wave battle stages, your challenge count will not be consumed even if you leave the battle or lose, so we do not display the retry count on purpose.
  • Are there plans to expand the minimum level per tier in Co-op? 
    • For Co-op and Defense mode, we provide different difficulties by enforcing different entry-level restrictions, allowing Guardians of similar specs to match up fast.
    • If we alleviate the minimum level by tier, then the clear distinction between tiers and difficulties will be gone and this can directly affect the completion rate. We believe this can cause lasting issues to worsen your gameplay experience.
    • In addition, the 'custom room' creation function allows Guardians of lower specs to participate, so there are no plans to expand the minimum level in Co-op.
  • Can the difficulty of Heavenhold Tower 80 be lowered?
    • Heavenhold Tower 80 was a stage designed to meet its stage level. This is also the reason why it became one of the Season Achievement missions. 
    • As it is part of the Season Achievement missions, lowering its difficulty would go against the stage design and also with the Season Achievement design. We currently have no plans to revise this stage.
  • Are there plans to add more ways to utilize Bottle Caps? 
    • We are planning to add a new costume which will be purchasable with Bottle Caps in the near future. We are planning on providing more growth-related resources in boost events and other content rather than making you more attached to Kama-ZONE.
  • Can the heroes allowed by elemental type restriction be removed now that infinite Kama-ZONE mode is introduced?
    • The elemental type restriction for heroes that appear at Kama-ZONE land is activated from the Conqueror level and above. It is meant to ask you to come up with different combinations of heroes of different types per round. The infinite mode was introduced to provide for Season achievements and ranking competitions at the highest levels. 
    • Therefore, trials and the basic rules of elemental type restriction are placed the same way and there are no plans to remove this restriction.
  • Are there plans to lower the difficulty of Season Achievements?
  • Season Achievements are designed to be high-level content that work as an 'honorable factor' for the few Guardians who have achieved its missions. 
    • If everyone is able to receive the rewards, it would lose its prestige then and there; the Season Achievements by design require the greatest skills and efforts.
    • The level of difficulty was also designed in a way to gradually increase so that the level of the missions does not feel too high from the beginning. Even if you may not have the highest specs, if you put in the lasting efforts, you will be able to claim some of the main rewards.
    • Currently, the mission clear rate and related data are being updated and reviewed every other week. From the data, we have confirmed that the clear rate is maintained and that it is at an appropriate level.
    • Therefore, we feel that the level of the current missions is adequate and that there are no plans on changing the difficulty.
  • Are there plans to improve the undisplayed categories in the Mission List of Season Achievements?
    • We are aware that it is difficult to check the achievement progress of Season Achievements. In the next season, we will try to provide a convenience patch on displaying things like consumed Gold, Tower stage retry count within the stage, and so on.
  • Are there plans to lower the unlock conditions of Season Achievements?
    • Many Guardians have requested an easing of unlock conditions of Season Achievements. The reason why the criteria were set to clear World 14 was that if you face a mission that is too difficult to achieve, it may simply discourage you from the start.
    • However, after internal discussion and listening to the feedback of our Guardians carefully, we have concluded that outlining your goals in advance, planning ahead, and getting some rewards for your efforts along the way can all be combined to be a single goal in the end.
    • Accordingly, from season 2, we will lower the unlock condition to clear World 11.
  • Are there plans to allow saving midway into a Story or activity (Minigames)?
    • Activities that appear during the story mode have been designed and created to be completed in one go from the development stages. The current design structure makes it hard to add a save function in the middle of the story mode as it was initially designed without such a function considered. There are no plans to add such features.
  • Can you highlight and show more of the story elements in the main storyline, Short Stories, and Visual Novels?
    • We thank our Guardians for your deep interest and love for the Guardian Tales storyline. However, it is difficult for us to lock down a date for main story updates due to our current development schedule. 
    • However, we can promise that we can focus on expanding Visual Novels and providing better-quality story content. 
  • Why are we not being informed of players who are being banned for use of foul language?
    • We feel that this question arises from the frustration you may have felt for not receiving responses to your reports of users who use foul language in-game. 
    • Under our Terms of Service, proper action is taken against players who use foul language in-game but due to privacy policies, it may not be possible for us to share individual details of the banned players. We ask for your understanding on this.
  • What are the conditions for a refund and how do I request it?
    • Please check the instructions under Payment/Billing FAQ on our official website <Here>.
  • Can you decide on maintenance extensions early? Why is it last minute?
    • First of all, we apologize that we are often unable to make an announcement in advance whenever the maintenance is extended. 
    • We aim to complete all necessary tests on the live service within the time limit, but there are times when a bug that wasn't caught in the test environment is found only during the maintenance. 
    • In such a case, we try our best to fix the issue before the maintenance ends to prevent any inconveniences from happening, but when we come to the conclusion that more time is needed or if any additional issue is found at the last minute, it is inevitable to extend the maintenance.
    • It won't be easy to solve this issue completely, but we will try to make an announcement in advance whenever the maintenance is extended.
    • Can you give us an explanation of chat filters and if it would be possible to alleviate this?
      • In Guardian Tales, words that may potentially cause a dispute, including foul language, are filtered. However, we have received feedback that these chat filters sometimes cause inconveniences to players when using the chat.
      • In the case you experience any inconvenience because of the filters when there was no foul language involved while playing the game, please report the relevant word(s)/case through the Account Settings > Gameplay Guide > Inquiry to contact us, and we will look into the issue and consider alleviating the filters.
  • What are the Customer Service hours? 
    • You can always send us a customer service (for those playing in North America, Europe, South America, and Oceania regions) to CONTACT US or also send us an inquiry directly in-game. We aim to respond to your tickets in a timely manner, and we ask for your patience and understanding.
  • Are community postings fully portraying the developer's intentions?
    • All announcements made through the official community are agreed upon and confirmed by the developers and Kakao Games. Also, any information regarding the game such as the development roadmap and developers' comments are announced so that the developers' intentions and thoughts are reflected.
  • I see players using foul language in the official social communities. Can't we filter the foul language used here?
    • We do utilize a banned words list for Discord, for example, we sometimes hide comments on SNS if they are too vulgar. We try not to censor players but also have to abide by guidelines and keep the community a friendly place.
  • Many are unaware of the 4-panel comics. Can this be introduced in-game?
    • Currently, 4-panel comics are being uploaded to our official fan community every Friday. Please check our official community channels and especially our global Facebook page <here>.
    • Though it may be inconvenient, we recommend you visit the official fan community to read the comics.
  • Are Guardian Tales for Switch questions and customer service being handled separately?
    • The mobile team is not in the position to provide answers to questions regarding Guardian Tales for Switch.
    • Please submit your comments or questions on Guardian Tales for Switch to: 
  • When will Guardian Tales be supported with Google Play Games?
    • Guardian Tales is currently arranging a plan with Google for the game's release on Google Play Games. Due to some technical issues, it's taking more time than expected. We apologize that we cannot provide an exact date at the moment, and we will try our best to make Guardian Tales available in Google Play Games as soon as possible.


We hope we were able to answer some of your questions!

Thank you,

Guardian Tales Team